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After graduating with a 1st class BA (Hons) degree in Communication Design from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (School of Design), Chloe has transferred her knowledge and enthusiasm for design and visual cultures to developing and delivering public events, exhibitions and programmes promoting creativity. 

She has worked as a freelance graphic designer and a design intern at local design agency Edited during her undergraduate studies prior to becoming a teaching assistant for the arts at La Salle College. A slight turn in the education industry has ultimately informed her endeavours in co-curating and actualising the deTour design festival in 2018 and the PMQ Seed creative education initiative for young primary students from 2019 to 2022, along with a few thematic picture book exhibitions in between.


Chloe is a firm believer that designers can redefine and expand their practices, creating meaningful connections across and beyond disciplines. To explore further possibilities of her own path as a curatorial/cultural worker, she has pursued an MA in Curating Contemporary Design and is now continuing her programming work in addressing the creative agency of young people.

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Currently reading

Stay True by Hua Hsu

© 2023 • CHLOE LAI

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